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Tea Leaf Readings

A Tea-Cup reading is another way to connect with Spirit.

These readings are in-person running from 45 minutes to one hour depending upon the sitters preference and prepayment fee. 


You, the Sitter would be served with a Pot of Tea made with Black Tea tea-leaves. You may add sugar and milk depending on your preference. You will be given a Porcelain light colored cup and saucer for your Tea as the residue of the tea is easier seen. The Seer will let the Tea Steep for approx 5-8 minutes then, swish the tea leaves around in the tea pot and pour the Sitter a Cup of Tea.

The sitter drinks the tea then ends up with residue in the bottom of the cup.  The sitter pours off any excess tea that may be in the cup, shakes the residual tea leaves well around the inside of the cup, so that the leaves may cover the surface of the cup. Tip the cup upside down into the saucer, then the tea leaves and remaining liquid may be drained off. The residual tea leaves that remain will be required to be used to do the reading.

Once the Seer has the cup-in-hand there will be several minutes of seeing, overshadowing by Spirit and concentration while looking into the cup. The general appearance will be studied for dark or light shades, symbols that stand out, what side the clusters or leaves are on and at which location they land. When people or symbols start to appear the main body of the reading begins as Spirit unfolds the story, your story, your Tea-cup reading.  

It is impossible to lay down any definitive rules as each tea cup leaf location has a particular significance to the Sitter. It is up to the Seer to give the interpretation of what Spirit is showing through the Tea-cup.  Should a cup present with no significant leaves the Sitter will get another cup of tea. There may be up to 3 cups poured and read or just the one cup of tea poured and read.

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